North Station News

Russia's Floating Research Station Unfolds in the Arctic

The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources says that Russia plans to establish a floating research station in Arctic sea. The floating research station “North Pole-41” is already in the making, says the Ministry statement. The Ministry says that the station will be an important instrument in securing Russian presence in the Arctic and will give Russia the opportunity to set new priorities for the scientific research on the drifting ice. "At present the deployment of seasonal scientific drifting station" North Pole-2015 is the only possible scientific research way in the North Pole"- the ministry said. In 2013, the Ministry of Natural Resources decided to evacuate the High North station “North Pole-40” when the ice floe began to break down.

This Day in U.S. Coast Guard History – January 20

1914- International Ice Patrol Convention signed. 1961- During his inaugural parade, President John F. Kennedy noticed that there were no African-Americans in the Coast Guard Academy cadet unit marching in the parade. He told his speechwriter, Richard Goodwin, "That's not acceptable. Something ought to be done about it."  Goodwin called Secretary of the Treasury C. 1984-Coast Guard units responded to a six-alarm fire along Boston's waterfront. The fire began early on the morning of 20 January on the Boston and Maine Railroad Bridge directly behind Boston Garden and North Station. The Boston Fire Department requested Coast Guard assistance and MSO Boston coordinated the response.

This Day in Coast Guard History – Jan. 20

1914- International Ice Patrol Convention signed. 1961- During his inaugural parade, President John F. Kennedy noticed that there were no African-Americans  in the Coast Guard Academy cadet unit marching in the parade. He ordered an aide to correct the problem. The aide contacted Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon and ordered him to admit African-Americans in the next Coast Guard Academy class. 1984-Coast Guard units responded to a six-alarm fire along Boston's waterfront. The fire began early on the morning of 20 January on the Boston and Maine Railroad Bridge directly behind Boston Garden and North Station. The Boston Fire Department requested Coast Guard assistance and MSO Boston coordinated the response.