Northumberland Ferries Ltd News

Canadian Ferries Welcome Govt. Funding

The Canadian Ferry Operators Association (CFOA) welcomed today’s announcement of $58 million over two years to support ferries in Eastern Canada. “We are happy to see the government reaffirming its commitment to Canada’s ferries. This is a step in the right direction,” said Serge Buy, CEO of CFOA. This funding will help support ferry operations and assets for three interprovincial ferries: Saint John, NB / Digby, NS (operated by Bay Ferries Ltd); Wood Islands, PEI / Caribou, NS (operated by Northumberland Ferries Ltd) and Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC / Souris, PEI (Operated by C.T.M.A.

Bay Ferries Thrown a Lifeline

According to reports, Ottawa and the province of Nova Scotia will hand over a combined $6m to keep the vital Bay of Fundy cargo ferry service afloat. Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald announced a $2m lifeline to Bay Ferries Ltd. in order to keep the Digby-Saint John cargo service operating, reports the Halifax Chronicle Herald. That's on top of the $4 million Ottawa says it will kick-in. New Brunswick is also expected to contribute. The government money is a short-term solution to keep the ferry sailing while a long-term solution is developed, MacDonald added. In July, Bay Ferries announced skyrocketing fuel costs, a drop in tourism and forestry exports, were forcing the company to anchor its service permanently.