Oil Price Uncertainties News

GlobalSantaFe's Worldwide SCORE Supported By International Areas

Houston-based offshore drilling contractor GlobalSantaFe today reported that the company's worldwide SCORE, or Summary of Current Offshore Rig Economics, for November 2001 was essentially level with the previous month's SCORE. GlobalSantaFe President and CEO Sted Garber said, "The worldwide SCORE remained stable in November, in spite of oil price uncertainties and continued weakness in the Gulf of Mexico. GlobalSantaFe's SCORE compares the profitability of current mobile offshore drilling rig dayrates to the profitability of dayrates at the 1980-1981 peak of the offshore drilling cycle. In the 1980-1981 period, when SCORE averaged 100 percent, new contract dayrates equaled the sum of daily cash operating costs plus approximately $700 per day per million dollars invested.