Onboard And Off Board Systems News

Northrop Grumman and ACB Join Forces

Grumman Corporation and Aluminum Chambered Boats, Inc. requirements and capabilities for the U.S. Riverine/Coastal Warfare program. ACB-designed riverine-class hullform. emerging Riverine/Coastal Warfare program requirement. the U.S. architecture. situational awareness and vastly improved survivability. maneuverable, fast and stable. and control architecture. coastal and inland waterway operations. seeking similar capabilities. part of the U.S.

Lockheed and Blohm + Voss Form Partnership in Support of LCS

Lockheed Martin and Blohm + Voss forged an agreement to work together in providing the U.S. and supportability. between both companies for the Navy's ongoing Ship Concept Studies. The scope of work to be performed consists of integrated modular designs for both onboard and off board systems as well as development of an advanced propulsion system for a Focused Mission Ship (FMS). modularity, for an eventual LCS. to customers. revolutionary ship that will transform how the U.S. swarm warfare, and mines. interchanged with LCS, to address the various threats in the littorals. systems over time. Dr. to LCS. systems based on an open system architecture, damage control and integrated monitoring and control systems.

NEWS:The LCS: One Step Closer to Reality

Talk of "The New Navy" to some may seem like a pre-programmed mantra helplessly repeating itself to no avail. For those not yet convinced of the wholesale transformation of naval assets, a trip out west to San Diego for the AFCEA West 2003 exhibition and conference would have been convincing. With a distinguished and varied panel of Admirals and Generals, and a packed crowd including a cross section from the World War II generation to Generation X, the topic "What Do We Want Our Ships To Do?" was debated, oftentimes in a heated fashion. Moderated by Anteon’s Dr. Scott C. Truver and discussed by many, including VADM Alexander Krekich, USN (Ret), President and CEO of Norfolk Shipyard and Drydock Corp., and RADM George R.