Orlando Carvalho News

Lockheed Martin Delivers Aegis Weapon System to 50th Navy Destroyer

Lockheed Martin celebrated completion and delivery of its 50th destroyer-bound Aegis Weapon System today with a "pull-the-plug" ceremony at the company's Moorestown facility. The ceremony marks the completion of testing and signifies that the system is ready for shipboard installation. The system, to be packed and loaded in 23 tractor trailers, will be delivered for installation in the destroyer Kidd (DDG 100). "We at the Navy truly appreciate the consistent quality you put forth on a daily basis," said Fernando Omega, PEO IWS Project Lead for Aegis Weapon System production. "Pulling Plug is the culmination of a team effort extending throughout the entire production process.

Lockheed Martin Awarded $57.3M for Aegis Engineering

The U.S. for Aegis Combat System engineering, installation and integration on new U.S. destroyers already in service. As the U.S. all combat system elements on all Aegis-equipped ships in the U.S. well as those in Japan, Spain, Norway and Korea. of Lockheed Martin's business in Moorestown.