Oxyclean System News

Maersk, UltraAqua Divest DESMI Stakes

The partners behind DESMI Ocean Guard A/S today announced that A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S and UltraAqua A/S have sold their shares in DESMI Ocean Guard A/S to DESMI A/S. The transaction gives DESMI A/S full ownership of the company, which presently has two Ballast Water Treatment systems in its portfolio. The newly developed RayClean system was launched recently but has already now secured several orders with the first systems being currently under installation. DESMI Ocean Guard A/S was established by A.P. Moller – Maersk A/S, DESMI A/S and UltraAqua A/S in 2009.

USCG Approves DESMI Ocean Guard for All Salinities

On October 11, 2013, DESMI Ocean Guard’s ballast water treatment system OxyClean was granted U.S. Coast Guard AMS acceptance. The AMS acceptance covers all salinities ranging from freshwater to marine water. This is the first time the USCG has released an AMS acceptance that covers all salinities, as all previously released acceptances are valid in only marine and brackish water, and hence not valid in freshwater. Since the very beginning of the development of the OxyClean system, DESMI said it has been focused on developing a system that will work in all salinities.

DESMI Ocean Guard Release New Ballast Water Treatment System

The RayClean system from DESMI Ocean Guard A/S is a new supplement to the company’s ballast water treatment system (BWTS) product portfolio which already includes the OxyClean system. Both systems are based on mechanical filtration and UV irradiation with low-pressure lamps, but whereas a single OxyClean UV-unit can treat 100 m³/h of ballast water, the RayClean UV units can treat 300 m³/h. This makes the RayClean system more cost competitive at higher flow-rates, DESMI said. The RayClean system sets new standards for the industry with regards to treatment performance and power consumption. When developing the system the goal was to design a unit capable of coping with challenging water conditions and at the same time reduce power consumption to the lowest level in the class.

DESMI Containerized BWTS Tested by Maersk

DESMI Ocean Guard’s containerised BWTS solution successfully 
tested by A.P. Moller - Maersk. The OxyClean system based on UV and ozone has come through testing in both fresh, brackish and salt water, and Maersk Line concluded it to be an attractive solution, in particular for container ship retrofits. Per Hother Rasmussen from Maersk Maritime Technology explains: ”We have tested containerized ballast water treatment system plants on two different vessels and we find it a viable…