Passive Solution News

GUARDIAN Antipiracy Barriers Available to Lease

Guardian Maritime announced that GUARDIAN antipiracy barriers are now available to lease. A passive solution against the threat of piracy, GUARDIAN ship protection system provides worldwide 24/7 protection against stowaways, robbery and piracy for vessels, crew and cargo at sea, anchor or in port, as well as static installations such as oil rigs. Offering an affordable solution, with no initial outlay, the GUARDIAN leasing scheme provides the flexibility of a passive solution, at a fixed quarterly price.

The “Green” threat to oil rig security

... emerging as an issue as alarming as piracy. Last week an oil rig in the Barents Sea hit the headlines after being successfully boarded, stopping drilling for 89 hours at an estimated cost of $1.26million. So who were the boarders; gun toting pirates threating violence and looking to steal? No, this was a “peaceful” protest executed by Greenpeace which saw 15 activists from 8 countries scale and occupy a rig to protest against drilling plans near to the Bear Island Nature Reserve.

MAS Debuts Exclusive Armor Systems

Following on from the continued success of the product, Marine Armor System (MAS) announced its global launch and updated website. MAS is a nonlethal vessel protection system based on ballistic blinds, protecting the vessel or rig against pirate attacks and other potential threats such as armed robbery, terrorism and acts of sabotage. The system includes anti pirate blockades, bunkers and armored citadels or safe rooms onboard, protecting crew with a bulletproof barrier in case of pirate boarding, in line with IMO recommendations.