Patrick Roberts News

SSI Speaks in Washington about LCS Program Cuts

SSI USA Director of Operations Patrick Roberts recently had meetings with U.S. senators, congressmen and navy brass to discuss the upcoming Pentagon Department of Defense Budget as it relates to the U.S. Navy shipbuilding programs. It was noted that Roberts' position is somewhat unique in that as an industrial engineer representing SSI, he was able to bring a neutral, yet broad and objective perspective to analyzing this subject. This is because SSI's ShipConstructor software is not only used by shipyards building both versions of the navy's Littoral Combat Ships…

ShipConstructor: Part of $1.4m NSRP Research Project

ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI) continues to expand its involvement in the US National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP), created to advance technology and help shipbuilders increase efficiency. Alongside six other industry partners, SSI USA will participate in a $1.4 million project entitled “Production Planning Integration with CAD” whose objective is to “decrease man-hours and eliminate errors by automating the data exchange from a Product Data Model or Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) model into a Production Planning System.” This project will leverage work done on a previous NSRP “Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Integration with CAD” project.

Roberts Re-Elected NSRP Panel Vice Chair

Patrick Roberts, Director of Operations for ShipConstructor USA, has been re-elected Vice Chairman of the Business Process Technologies Panel for the United States National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP). The upcoming year will be Roberts’ second year in the role of Vice Chairman. The NSRP Business Process Technologies Panel advises the NSRP Executive Control Board on research projects involving technology to improve procedures and practices within the shipbuilding industry.

U.S. Shipyard Design Enhancement Project Gets NSRP Funding

The development of key features in ShipConstructor will be funded by the Second-Tier Shipyard Design Enhancement Project II, which recently received significant funding from the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise. The project, headed by Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc., includes seven shipyards and four naval architect firms, representing the core of second-tier shipbuilding and ship design in the United States. The overall goal of the project is to provide U.S. second-tier shipyards with a state-of-the-art design system that will enhance their global competitiveness. Albacore Research Ltd. (ARL) will extend ShipConstructor’s capabilities to fully meet the design requirements of the U.S. second-tier shipyard industry.