Peter Kaltman News

Petrobras' Condensed Report for 3Q, 2014

iii) Knowledge by Petrobras, the December 3, 2014, the statements given in the context of the collaboration agreement awarded Mr. Julio Gerin de Almeida Camargo (Toyo Group) and Mr. iv) Citation Petrobras, the December 9, 2014, relating to collective action (class action) filed by Mr. Peter Kaltman court in the US (United States District Court, Southern District of New York). We believe that other actions possibly be consolidated with the action of Mr. v) Filing by the Federal Public Ministry, the December 11, 2014, criminal proceedings against various people, including the former director Paulo Roberto Costa Petrobras and other business managers for passive corruption, bribery, organization criminal, money laundering and use of false documents.