Precision Parts Manufacturing News

3-D Modeling for Small and Large Vessel Construction

Developments in shipbuilding have been driven by needs to simplify the engineering and manufacturing. The cause is not just to become more competitive but also to avoid problems in controlling engineering and manufacturing costs. Two recent examples carried out with ShipConstructor include a small 7.5-m aluminum police boat and a 120-m car/truck/pax mono-hull fast ferry. Both vessels have been 3-D modeled using the same ShipConstructor software, which can be scaled to be a price efficient solution for small and large vessels at the same time. The software maintains the same functionality. The reduced cost version is only limited in the maximum number of parts in the project.

Small Boat Construction Using 3D Modeling

Developments in boatbuilding have been driven by needs to simplify the engineering and manufacturing components. One desired effect is, of course, to become more competitive; one can look ? for example ? at the fast ferry industry, which in some instances has had significant problems in controlling engineering and manufacturing costs. Rolf Oetter has developed shipbuilding software for more than a decade. Through his international contacts with shipyards and designers, he has gained insight into many different ship productions procedures. Rolf Bjornert has used aluminum as a construction material and developed and built a number of smaller hulls, some of them with rather complex shapes.