Relational Database News

Samsung Heavy Industries Builds Smart Ship On AWS Platform

Amazon Web Services (AWS), an company, announced that Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) selected AWS as its preferred cloud provider to support its digital transformation.Samsung Heavy Industries is turning to AWS’s expansive infrastructure, unmatched performance, scalability, and industry-leading services to gain competitive advantage in the smart shipping industry.Samsung Heavy Industries leaves the heavy lifting of its infrastructure to AWS, the world’s leading cloud, so that its team can rapidly innovate on its autonomous shipping platform, a system that enables self-piloting of large container ships, LNG carriers, and floating production systems.Samsung Heavy Industries will continue to expand its smart shipping capabilities using the breadth and depth of AWS’s services…

Tidetech Unveils 'Data Cube' for Voyage Optimization

Provider of metocean data to the maritime industry Tidetech Commercial Marine Pty Ltd says it is enhancing the scope of its services in response to a growing demand for marine weather data.Tidetech generates and curates a wide range of marine weather data for delivery to shipowners and third party software vendors. Its latest enhancement is the introduction of the ‘Data Cube’, which enables users to query the data in three dimensions: longitude, latitude and time.When a shipowner or operator wants to obtain a weather forecast for their next voyage…

Brazil Shipbuilding: Soaring to New Heights

The recent growth of the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, with the construction of more than 20 new shipyards and efforts to modernize older shipyards, has highlighted the need for more efficient ship design and construction methods. With the increased reliance on production line automation, ship design software has become even more important. Maritime Reporter and Engineering News spoke with Mr. Bruno França,CEO of  Brazilian IT company Sincronia and ShipConstructor representative in Brazil, about the relevance of CAD based ship design software in the new Brazilian shipbuilding industry. Please tell us a little about yourself and your company (Sincronia)? My name if Bruno França, I am CEO of Sincronia.

ShipConstructor Talks to Brazilian Industry

ShipConstructor Software Inc. in conjunction with its local affiliate, Sincronia, has delivered a presentation to members of the Brazilian shipbuilding and offshore industry regarding best practices in detail design. Representatives from Petrobras, Sinaval, ABIMAQ, the Brazilian Navy and UTC Engenharia were in attendance while officials from software, design and shipbuilding firms such as FormSys, INACE, Guido Perla and Estaliero Atlântico Sul (EAS) also shared their experiences working with ShipConstructor's technology.

Q&A: ShipDecision's Al Carbone

Maritime Reporter & Engineering News recently caught up with Al Carbone, creator of ShipDecision, a shipmanagement tool designed to help operators save time and money. Can you share with us some background information? Carbone As a youth I always had a fascination with math, science and technology, so it was no surprise to my friends that I ended up studying engineering. I earned my Bachelor of Engineering degree - in Electrical Engineering - in 1981 from Concordia University in Montreal.

Foran v50: A Technological Renovation

FORAN v50 was officially presented at an event organized by SENER, the second FORAN Users Meeting (FORUM 2001), which took place in Valencia, Spain. v50 was conceived with the objective of maintaining FORAN as a leader in the delivery of state-of-the-art technologies, while meeting the requirements of present and future customers. v50 covers General Design, Hull Structure, Machinery and Outfitting Design, Electrical Design and Accommodation, all developed with the emphasis on the particular requirements of Initial, Classification and Detail design for all types of ship. The main technologies and innovations that have been introduced are: Oracle Relational Database; NURBS surfaces; Object Oriented Kernel; and, Enhanced Initial Design capabilities.

ARL To Launch New Program

ARL will be launching ShipConstructor2001 in March. ShipConstructor is an AutoCAD-based 3-D product-modeling system, providing shipbuilders with an easy-to-use, yet powerful 3-D software. ShipConstructor2001 provides lofting, structural modeling, nesting, outfitting, piping, and database system -- all in one. ShipConstructor is a scalable system that can be efficiently used for powerboats, tugboats, workboats, large ferries, container ships, and cruise ships. ShipConstructor has been successfully adopted by more than 100 shipyards and engineering companies worldwide. Customers report increased productivity of up to fifty percent not only in engineering, but also in production.

MMS Awards Contract For Royalty Reengineering

The U.S. Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service awarded a $47 million, seven-year contract to Andersen Consulting to develop, install and operate an integrated financial system that will improve the Federal government's Royalty Management Program (RMP). With the signing of this contract, MMS fully enters the implementation phase of its reengineering initiative, which was spurred by aging computer systems, changing energy markets, and the need to place its business enterprise on business cycles and processes that better align with industry and financial institutions. The RMP, which is charged with collecting, accounting for and distributing billions of dollars in revenues associated with minerals activity on Federal and American Indian lands…

MMS Awards Contract for Royalty Reengineering

The U.S. Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service awarded a $47 million, seven-year contract to Andersen Consulting to develop, install and operate an integrated financial system that will improve the Federal government's Royalty Management Program (RMP). With the signing of this contract, MMS fully enters the implementation phase of its reengineering initiative, which was spurred by aging computer systems, changing energy markets, and the need to place its business enterprise on business cycles and processes that better align with industry and financial institutions. The RMP, which is charged with collecting, accounting for and distributing billions of dollars in revenues associated with minerals activity on Federal and American Indian lands…