Rental Supplier News

Refrigerated Containers Set Safety Standard

Gone are the days where a refrigerated unit was a 20ft container with a fridge pack attached. In today’s offshore environment it is it about quality and reliability and the safety of the people working with our kit from dock to deck, explains Greg Spence, managing director of Reftrade UK. The oil and gas industry is synonymous with the highest standards in health and safety, it is paramount to any operator and service company working in the sector. As a result the technology developed for use on and offshore…

Reftrade UK Invests in Rental Fleet

Reftrade UK, a specialist in the sale and lease of refrigerated containers and temperature controlled units to the offshore energy sector, said it has made a £100,000 investment in its rental fleet to aid further business growth. The company said its investment will see Reftrade UK take a market-lead as the only rental supplier of 10ft and 20ft explosion proof containers. Greg Spence, Reftrade UK managing director said, “Following extensive market research, Reftrade UK developed…

Ashtead Technology Increase Subsea Equipment Rental Stock

Ashtead Technology announce at the U.K.'s Ocean Business 2013 expo that it has purchased Sonardyne 6G acoustic positioning equipment value £1.3 million. This latest acquisition is the second significant order placed by the company for 6G in the last 12 months, further strengthening the Ashtead Technology fleet of Compatt 6 transponders, including various sound velocity, digiquartz and inclinometer sensors, GyroCompatts, RovNav 6LBL transceivers and both omni and directional Wideband Sub Mini transponders.