Rich Brown News

RTC, OTC Begin Female Haircut Program

In an effort to standardize training and education across the military services, Recruit Training Command (RTC) and Officer Training Command (OTC) will run a pilot program, which will no longer require female accessions to cut their hair. The pilot program, which will run from January through March 2015, comes after receiving fleet feedback that junior Sailors and officers are not taught proper grooming standards with longer hair. This shift will align the Navy with every other armed forces service, which do not require female accessions to cut their hair. RTC and OTC required all females with long hair to cut it to the lower edge of the uniform collar. Now, female Sailors will have the ability to choose any hairstyle that meets uniform regulations.

AWT Offers ECA Zone Calculator

Applied Weather Technology, Inc. today announced its BVS onboard software provides Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and calculation tools to evaluate the most cost effective voyage track. Using the latest version of BVS, captains manage their voyage track by displaying ECA zones and making them “no-go” areas. By doing this, they can see their voyage track outside and inside the ECA zones. Simply moving waypoints in BVS allows captains to visualize the impact of time in the ECA zone and compare it to the overall effect of time en route. The result is that the captain has the information to sail the optimal route. “With BVS’s ECA zone calculation tools…

AWT Readies Captains with ECA Zone Calculator

Applied Weather Technology, Inc. (AWT) announced its BVS onboard software provides Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and calculation tools to evaluate the most cost effective voyage track. Using the latest version of BVS, captains manage their voyage track by displaying ECA zones and making them “no-go” areas. By doing this, they can see their voyage track outside and inside the ECA zones. Simply moving waypoints in BVS allows captains to visualize the impact of time in the ECA zone and compare it to the overall effect of time en route. The result is that the captain has the information to sail the optimal route. “With BVS’s ECA zone calculation tools…