Richard Korpus News

Conflicting Objectives in Ship Design

“ABS is first and foremost a safety company,” says Richard Korpus, “but safety can arise on many different fronts. Dr. Korpus is Chief Scientist, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the American Bureau of Shipping. In this role Korpus supports the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and underlying organizations through a focus on developing and applying CFD technology. He believes CFD has the potential to change how some of the most challenging problems in marine and offshore classification are solved in the future.

ABS Appoints Chief Scientist for CFD

ABS, a provider of maritime and offshore classification services, appointed Dr. Richard Korpus as Chief Scientist, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In the Chief Scientist role, Korpus will support the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and the organization through his focus on developing and applying CFD technology. "We see technology as the road forward," said ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. The creation of this Chief Scientist position is the most recent step in the continuing process of technology investment at ABS.