Sam Hunter News

Lawsuit Challenges ExxonMobil's Exploration and Production Activities in Guyana

A landmark lawsuit filed against Guyana's government, arguing that oil production fuels climate change, could bolster legal action as court cases involving energy companies and state authorities surge, according to lawyers and environmentalists.The constitutional claim - the first of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean - asserts that oil exploration and production led by U.S. oil major ExxonMobil off the South American country's coast is unconstitutional, said the case's lead lawyer Melinda Janki.Filed by two Guyanese citizens in late May before the tiny nation's constitutional court, the lawsuit centers on the duty of the state to protect the environment for present and future generations…

National Waterways Alliance Meets with CEQ

A diverse group of 30 members of the National Waterways Alliance – representing all segments of the water resources community nationwide – met with the Council on Environmental Quality to discuss the proposed revisions to the Principles and Standards governing the planning and development of water resources projects. Recognizing that reliable, well maintained water resources infrastructure is critical to our nation’s economic vitality and environmental well-being, the Alliance sought to offer constructive suggestions to the proposal to ensure a viable, long-term planning mechanism. Highlights of the session included a presentation by Dr.