Satellite Campus News

MN100: West Kentucky Community & Technical College

West Kentucky Community & Technical College is a SACS accredited college with an annual enrollment of 6,500 traditional and 2,897 online, long distance students that has achieved the ASPEN Institute Award on three occasions. The school is recognized as one of the leading colleges in developing and teaching degree programs through online technology to long distance learners and working from one main campus and 7 satellite campuses. This school’s Marine Technology and Logistics program is designed to be taught in an innovative environment.

Emerging Tech of Online Education and Training

The emerging technology tool is embraced by award winning West Kentucky Community & Technical College’s Inland Logistics and Marine Institute and its students. Years ago, it was not uncommon for a deckhand on a towboat with no higher education to work his way up the ladder to become a Captain or Chief Engineer. Today as technologies are added and new U.S. Coast Guard regulations are put into place, individuals are finding that working on America’s Inland Waterways requires not only a love of the waterways, but also a commitment to continuous learning.

Marine Trades & Technology School, IYRS, Raises US$ 700,000

When guests arrived at IYRS Annual Summer Gala--the annual fundraiser for this Rhode Island marine trades and technology school--they came ready for a great party. But the crowd of gala-goers also gathered at this waterfront school for a reason that runs far deeper than a good time through this maritime community: to celebrate the craftsmanship of IYRS students and graduates and ensure continued opportunity for the generation to follow. The exhibits and film told the story of a school that has evolved since the first students walked through the doors in 1997.