Sincronia News

SSI Rep Sponsors Brazilian Offshore Seminar

SSI and its representatives continue to engage with leaders of the shipbuilding and offshore industry to help increase productivity and solve business challenges. On April 23, Sincronia, SSI's representative for ShipConstructor software in Brazil, is sponsoring the first seminar focused on the shipbuilding and offshore construction cluster in the state of Pernambuco. Estaleiro Atlântico Sul (EAS) and the American Bureau of Shipping are cosponsors of this event which has been organized by SOBENA (Society of Brazilian Naval Engineers), in partnership with Petrobras, Transpetro, EAS, FIEPE and the Federal University of Pernambuco. The seminar…

Brazil Shipbuilding: Soaring to New Heights

The recent growth of the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, with the construction of more than 20 new shipyards and efforts to modernize older shipyards, has highlighted the need for more efficient ship design and construction methods. With the increased reliance on production line automation, ship design software has become even more important. Maritime Reporter and Engineering News spoke with Mr. Bruno França,CEO of  Brazilian IT company Sincronia and ShipConstructor representative in Brazil, about the relevance of CAD based ship design software in the new Brazilian shipbuilding industry. Please tell us a little about yourself and your company (Sincronia)? My name if Bruno França, I am CEO of Sincronia.

ShipConstructor Chosen by Kromav Engeharia

Kromav Engeharia, a Brazil marine engineering firms, chose ShipConstructor’s AutoCAD-based CAD/CAM software for use on shipbuilding and offshore projects. “ShipConstructor will be an important tool,” said Ricardo Vahia, Director of Kromav. “Based on our expectations for future market demand and success to be achieved with the software, we are currently acquiring hardware that will allow us to expand to 30 Universal Licenses.” ShipConstructor’s local representative, Sincronia, will start training Kromav staff in July with the expectation that staff will be proficient and productive within three to four weeks.

ShipConstructor Talks to Brazilian Industry

ShipConstructor Software Inc. in conjunction with its local affiliate, Sincronia, has delivered a presentation to members of the Brazilian shipbuilding and offshore industry regarding best practices in detail design. Representatives from Petrobras, Sinaval, ABIMAQ, the Brazilian Navy and UTC Engenharia were in attendance while officials from software, design and shipbuilding firms such as FormSys, INACE, Guido Perla and Estaliero Atlântico Sul (EAS) also shared their experiences working with ShipConstructor's technology.