Sms Consulting News

Partnerships Drive SubChapter M Solutions

Management software: vendors, consultants, class strive to provide turnkey service. Unless you’ve been lost at sea for the last few years, you know about Subchapter M. You know the June publication of the U.S. Coast Guard’s regulations for ensuring minimum safety standards on tows and tugs, which will extend inspection requirements to the majority of these vessels for the first time, moved the long-awaited, and in some cases, dreaded program from the haze of eventually out into the cold light of day.

MN 100: ClassNK

Regional Manager, North and Central America: Stewart S. The longtime leader among global classification societies in terms of tonnage, ClassNK isn’t necessarily well known here on North America’s brown water. That’s about to change. ClassNK quietly classes an impressive amount of brown water, inland tonnage as well. This coupled with its recognized leadership in the bulk trades makes Class NK an ideal choice to enter a local sector sorely in need of that kind of expertise. Hand in hand with its steady move into previously untapped markets…