Tbs Ocean News

Heidmar Enters Dry Bulk with TBS Ocean

Heidmar and TBS Ocean are joining forces to form a dry bulk pool alliance. New alliance with TBS Ocean plan to combine two players’ operating strengths in geared bulker JV. TBS will continue as manager of a series of dry bulk pools, while Heidmar will provide its pool expertise, best practices, and proprietary commercial ship management software. Ben Ognibene, ceo of Heidmar commented, “For some time Heidmar has explored expansion into the dry bulk market. "TBS, with its global footprint, extensive cargo relationships, proprietary trading business and its 22-year history of exceptional and consistent dry bulk outperformance is the ideal partner to expand our product offering,” he added.

Shortage in Supramax

As tonnage in the East Coast South America (ECSA) region continued to outnumber fresh grain requirements, Supramax front-haul freight rates fell this week, reports Platts, quoting shipping sources. The rate for carrying a 50,000 mt grain stem from ECSA to the Far East continued at that level until it fell to $9,500/d plus $95,000 ballast bonus Tuesday. It was $10,000/d plus $100,000 ballast bonus February 27. That fall went against shipbroker and owner expectations in late February that the start of the South Atlantic grain export season in March would lead to a gradual increase in rates. Though grain exports from Argentina and southern Brazil do not normally peak before late April to early May…