Technology Economy News

Technology, Economy the Focus of New Marine Academy in China

The Ningbo Nottingham International Academy for Marine Economy and Technology (IAMET) has been officially launched at a ceremony at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). A partnership between The University of Nottingham, Wanli Education Group and Ningbo Municipal Government, the Academy will build on Ningbo’s marine-related activities and support the city’s 12-year plan, a focus of which is the marine economy. The marine economy is one of China’s key strategic development areas.

International Submarine Races 2013 Awards

20 teams demonstrated their engineering prowess in week-long human-powered design competition. Intelligent Decisions (ID), Inc., a  global IT systems integrator, congratulates Virginia Tech HPS and their vessel “Phantom 6” as the winner of the ID Innovation Award at the 12th International Submarine Races (ISR). The sponsors also recognizes the efforts of the University of Washington: HPS Team and their vessel “Wolverine 2” for their second place Innovation Award and OMER’s vessel “OMER 8” for their third place Innovation Award. ID has sponsored the races and the Innovation Award since 2011.