Thai Andeman Sea Port Of Ranong News

Long Lines for a Purse Seiner

Purse seining is well known as one of the most effective technologies for demersal fisheries. Today many nations support extensive fleets of 20 to 30-meter wood, steel, fiberglass or aluminum vessels working with nets that range of 500 to 1000 meters in length. Throughout Malaysia and Thailand, even in the wooden boat fleet, these vessels are typically equipped with sonar and Puretic-style hydraulic power-blocks for hauling back the nets. All of this was evidenced on a recent visit to the F.V. Sombatpomae owned by Khun Thayuth, who recently acquired it from a processor. The 20 by 7-m wood purse seiner was built 20 years ago in Mahachai on the Gulf of Thailand and brought around Singapore and through the Straits of Malacca to the Thai Andeman Sea port of Ranong.