Timothy O Fanning News

Kresa Recieves Top Navy League Honor

Kent Kresa, Northrop Grumman Corporation's chairman of the board and CEO, is the recipient of the 2002 Navy League of the United States' Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Award. This award was presented at the organization's Sea-Air-Space Exposition Banquet March 27 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Kresa, well known in the defense industry, received the Nimitz Award for his exceptional contribution to maintaining the United States' maritime strength. Kresa's career at Northrop Grumman began in 1975 as vice president and manager of the company's Research and Technology Center, developing new proprietary processes and products for the company.

Navy League to Celebrate Centennial in NY

Over 600 Navy Leaguers from around the world will be in New York June 28 to July 2 attending the national convention and celebrating the Centennial of the Navy League of the United States (NLUS). The Navy League is proud of its 100-year patriotic legacy of supporting the sea services—the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and U.S. -flag Merchant Marine. The Navy League was launched in 1902, with the enthusiastic support and personal funding of President Theodore Roosevelt. As a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Roosevelt contributed part of his Peace honorarium to build a legacy for sea power.

Navy League Cites NY Council for Excellence

The Navy League of the United States announced the winners of its Council awards for their outstanding activities and operations in 2001. Awards were presented by National President Timothy O. Fanning at the organization’s National Centennial Convention being held in New York City at the Marriott Marquis, June 28-July2. Eleven councils were designated “Outstanding Councils” for their extraordinary activities and operations in 2001. Ten Councils earned citations as “Meritorious Councils” and five councils were accorded “Honorable Mention” status. President Timothy O. Fanning said that judging for top council awards “was, as always, a formidable challenge this year. It is difficult to select the very best of the best.

Navy League President Supports Legislation

In a letter to Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, Navy League National President Timothy O. Fanning, expressed his strong support and appreciation for the legislation that she introduced to increase shipbuilding construction. The legislation entitled National Naval Force Structure Policy Act (H.R. 5196) states that it should be the "policy of the United States to rebuild, as soon as possible, the size of the fleet of the U.S. Fanning points out that the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Vern Clark is also calling for a minimum of 375 ships to meet America's naval commitments. However, the current build rate will result in a fleet considerably below 300 ships, posing a national security concern.