Todd Sterling News

CARB Commercial Harbor Craft Workshop

The California Air Resources Board staff invites the public to participate in a Commercial Harbor Craft workshop on February 16, 2010, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Sacramento (and via webcast). At the meeting, staff will present draft amendments to the regulation to add in-use engine requirements for diesel engines on dredges, barges, and crew and supply boats which operate in Regulated California Waters. Additionally, draft amendments to address implementation issues and to clarify regulatory language will be discussed. Staff will also present updates to the harbor craft emissions inventory and provide information on the economic impacts related to these amendments.

CARB Commercial Harbor Craft Workshop

The California Air Resources Board will hold a Commercial Harbor Craft public workshop on July 13, 2009, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm in Sacramento. At the workshop, staff will present proposed amendments to add in-use engine requirements for diesel engines on crew and supply vessels and dredge engines on boats and barges operating in Regulated California Waters. In addition, other clarifying amendments will also be presented. For those unable to attend the workshop in person, a live webcast will be available. Questions regarding the workshop can be directed to Todd Sterling at 916.445.1034 or or Doug Grandt at 916.324.0317 or