Tom Giudice News

USNS Bridge Completes UNREPS with 9 Ships in Persian Gulf

By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Joshua Cassatt, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/Commander, U.S. USNS Bridge (T-AOE 10) conducted underway replenishments with nine U.S. ships June 1-3 in the Persian Gulf. More than 865,000 gallons of jet fuel, 2.3 million gallons of diesel fuel, 560 pallets of food, ammunition and stores were transferred over the three-day period. It was an undertaking that didn’t intimidate the crew of Bridge in the slightest. "This is what we come out here for," said Chief Mate Tom Giudice, Bridge’s executive officer. For Bridge's civilian crew, taking on the challenge of keeping the ships supplied is how they contribute to maritime operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations (AOO).