Torben Kofoed News

New Heavy Lift for Offshore Wind Farms

A newly developed hydraulic lifting yoke from Danish based Fyns Kran Udstyr has been tested in the world’s largest offshore wind turbine park, London Array. The new way of handling offshore wind turbine foundations is much faster, cheaper and more secure. It no longer needs to take an hour to get ready to lift the 370 ton heavy offshore wind turbine foundation parts, also called Transition Pieces or TP’s, from dock to vessel – and from vessel on to the offshore monopiles. Fyns…

Ready to Lift 370 Tons in 10 Minutes

A newly developed hydraulic lifting yoke from Danish based Fyns Kran Udstyr has been tested in the world’s largest offshore wind turbine park, London Array. The new way of handling offshore wind turbine foundations is much faster, cheaper and more secure. It no longer needs to take an hour to get ready to lift the 370 ton heavy offshore wind turbine foundation parts, also called Transition Pieces or TP’s, from dock to vessel – and from vessel on to the offshore monopiles. Fyns…