Training Core Committee News

Competence: the Key to Safe and Efficient Offshore Operations

A competent workforce is a productive one, and operates with fewer risks, meaning shorter downtimes and fewer injuries. Effective competence schemes established by companies of all sizes ensure confidence in the offshore industry, and that all people appointed to safety-critical positions can carry out their jobs in an effective manner. To that end, the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has established a highly effective competence assurance and assessment framework.

IMCA: Encouraging Responses to 'Competence' Questionnaire

The results of a questionnaire, developed by the International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) Competence & Training Core Committee, aimed at offshore personnel, revealed that 64% of the 276 offshore personnel from over 35 contractor members who responded used a competence scheme. “We were highly encouraged, not only by answers to the questionnaire, but that so many people took part in it,” says Hugh Williams, Chief Executive of IMCA. “It was possible for respondents to select more than one division from marine…