Underwater Search Area News

MH370: The Seventh Search Arc Delineated

The latest information and analysis confirms that MH370 will be found in close proximity to the arc set out in the map [shown here] and labelled as the 7th arc. according to Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC). At the time MH370 reached this arc, the aircraft is considered to have exhausted its fuel and to have been descending. As a result, the aircraft is unlikely to be more than 20 NM (38 km) to the west or 30 NM (55 km) to the east of the arc. Based on all the independent analysis of satellite communications and aircraft performance, the total extent of the 7th arc reaches from latitude 20 degrees S to 39 degrees S. Refinement of the analysis in the coming weeks will reduce the underwater Search Area along this arc to a prioritised 17,500 sq. NM (60,000 sq. km).

Search Continues for Missing MH370: Latest Update

Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) advises that up to 10 military aircraft and 10 ships will assist in today's search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has planned a visual search area totaling approximately 49,491 square kilometres. The centre of the search area lies approximately 1584 kilometres north west of Perth (see map pictured). Bluefin-21 AUV is currently completing mission nine in the underwater search area. Bluefin-21 has searched approximately two thirds of the focused underwater search area to date. No contacts of interest have been found to date. The focused underwater search area is defined as a circle of 10km radius around the second Towed Pinger Locator detection which occurred on 8 April.