Venice Water Authority News

VOOPS: Venice Offshore Onshore Port System

The New York Times once called Venice “undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man.” But as beautiful as Venice might be, it is still a port city struggling to compete in a global economy, and beauty doesn’t attract Ultra Large Container Vessels (UCLV). Port of Venice authorities hope that its ambitious new offshore-onshore port project might do just that. The Venice Offshore Onshore Port System (VOOPS) was born out of necessity. The Venetian government made it a goal to…

ABB to Play Role in Protecting Venice

ABB’s Symphony Plus control system to help protect Venice from high water flooding at the long Venetian Lagoon Malamocco inlet. Every four years or so, text messages, church bells and sirens alert the Venetians to what they call an "Aqua Alta" or the imminent arrival of an exceptionally high tide. These are high waters of more than 140 cm, which cover around 54 percent of the city. More frequent, but no less worrying, are high tides of around 110 cm, which occur up to four times a year…