Voyagebank News

Australian Reef Pilots Win Safety Award

Australian Reef Pilots (ARP) and its technology suppliers have won an international award for technology which improves safety and efficiency for shipping on the Great Barrier Reef. In a combined submission with VoyageBank and SevenCs, ARP was awarded the IHS Safety at Sea 2013 Award (Systems Category) for the unique VoyageBank pilot system. The custom navigation program combines tablets, cloud computing, electronic charting and an onshore safety management system to better protect one of the planet’s most sensitive and challenging maritime areas.

Improved Safety on the Great Barrier Reef

The German marine software company SevenCs has partnered with Australian software company VoyageBank to deliver state of the art Portable Pilot Unit (PPU) technology to 50 marine pilots charged with responsibility for keeping the Great Barrier Reef free of shipping disasters. The three year deal, signed recently with Australian Reef Pilots (ARP), will bring high precision navigation, real-time monitoring, and centralised management of pilotage activities as part of the company’s Pilotage Safety Management System (PSMS).