Walter Peruzzo News

Intermarine Launches Italian Fast Patrol Boat

On July 28, 2005, Rodriquez’s Intermarine shipyard in Sarzana launched the Bigliani Class VI Series Fast Patrol Boat G124 Cavatorto. The G124 Cavatorto will be formally delivered in approximately eight months and is an evolution of the Bigliani class training vessels, Marino e Pedretti developed for the Italian Navy in 1998. The 27m vessel is built 100% of composite, and is capable of speeds up to 40 knots. It will be used by the Guardia di Finanza as a coastal patrol vessel to fight against illicit smuggling and contraband activities. The launching cerimony was presided over by Gen. Walter Peruzzo, commander of the Guardia di Finanza Regione Liguria and by the Director of the Intermarine Yard, Mr. Edoardo Cossutta.