Wifi System News

Seaways International Takes Delivery of Two Damen FCS 2206

On March 4th at Damen Shipyards Singapore, Seaways International took delivery of two Damen Fast Crew Suppliers (FCS) 2206. The Dubai-headquartered company has previously operated a Damen FCS 3307. Seaways International specializes in offshore marine services and will use the new vessels to transport crew to offshore energy locations in West Africa.Damen signed the contract with Seaways International on May 9, 2018. The swiftness of the delivery is due to Damen’s philosophy of standardized shipbuilding.

Short Seas in the Long Run

Building for the possibility of shortsea shipping involves many variables. The novel concept of rebirthing short sea shipping into what it once was or could be, may remain just that, a novelty. It would be paramount to overcome the “my way, on my terms” philosophy that so heavily drives traffic away from the seas and inland waterways and onto asphalt freeways that cannibalize natural resources. The plight of road warriors may even further drive coastal commuting straight into Davy’s Locker with the rapidly expanding development of non-marine-use shore side infrastructure.