Wireless Intercoms News

CLEAR-COM Names Ships Electronic Services as UK Distributor

CLEAR-COM NAMES SHIPS ELECTRONIC SERVICES LTD AS OFFSHORE MARITIME DISTRIBUTOR IN THE UK. Clear-Com, a global leader in critical voice communication systems, has appointed Ships Electronic Services Ltd (SES) as its sole UK distributor in the offshore maritime market. The leading communication and navigation electronics distributor for the marine industry will offer Clear-Com’s wireless and wired professional intercom products to the commercial shipping sector, as well as the growing oil and gas market. The environment typically found in maritime applications, along with the steel construction of the ship, causes multi-path signal- and frequency-interference issues for wireless intercoms.

BTS Chooses Clear-Com Communication Systems

Clear-Com, a voice communication systems company, has announced that Broadcast Technical Services (BTS), an integrator of broadcast services for industrial marine ship suppliers, has selected the Clear-Com Encore™ partyline and Tempest®2400 digital wireless intercoms as its communication systems of choice for clients. The combination of the wired Encore system and 2.4GHz band wireless Tempest2400 is designed to help staff members complete tasks that run the gamut from standard oil rigging to environmental cleanup.