Worlds Largest Oil News

BunkerDesk Expands Coverage

BunkerDesk continues to expand its coverage since the launch of the service in April 2002. BunkerDesk now covers an additional 25 bunkering ports, and now provides Daily Bunker indication for 149 ports worldwide, twice as many as any other service. According to Jamie Halliday, Data Manager "We are continuing to expand and deepen our bunker price coverage. Not only do we cover more and more ports, but we are also canvassing more and more suppliers. Now well into its 3rd month, BunkerDesk has proved an unqualified success. The service already has over 350 users. "There genuinely has been no let up in the number of people subscribing and trialling the system" says Matt Cape, Managing Director.

Ro-Clean Desmi Sets Record For Worlds Largest Oil Containment Boom

Ro-Clean Desmi A/S of Denmark has been officially awarded the Guinness World Record for developing the largest offshore oil containment boom in the world. Known as the RO-BOOM 3500 this boom has an overall height of 11.5 ft. (3.5 m). 6.5 ft. (2 m) in height. This unusually large boom was developed for use in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea in Europe where the sea conditions are especially harsh with waves reaching up to 23 ft. (7 m). RO-BOOM 3500 has an overall deflated width of 3.5 m, an operational freeboard of 1.3 m and a draft of 1.5 m. The operational performance of this boom was tested extensively in the North Sea over a three-year period. The oil retention abilities were confirmed with underwater cameras.