Yachting Pages News

Manage Crew from the Cloud

With cloud computing technology having an increasing impact on daily life, its no surprise that more and more companies are turning to the cloud and the superyacht industry is no different. i-Bos Ltd, a crew management software provider is one of the first companies to launch their software to the cloud for the superyacht sector. i-Bos Ltd’s Cello Marine software is already used on 250 superyachts to assist in crew management, proving its need at sea. Now the system can be accessed anywhere via the company’s cloud.

New Heesen Superyachts Presented at Monaco Boat Show 2012

Dutch superyacht builders Heesen unveil their new range at the Yacht Club de Monaco. Presently, at the Monaco Yacht Show , Heesen directors Fabio Ermetto and Hans Boerakker, together with Piet and Perry van Oossanen from Van Oossanen Naval Architects and Frank Laupman from Omega Architects gathered at the Yacht Club de Monaco to present the new Heesen range to the yachting community, informs 'Yachting Pages'. Fabio Ermetto, Director of Sales and Marketing said: “Heesen is moving in a new direction. In fact, four new directions. And in doing so, we want to ensure that different means better.