Rubber Tire Gantry Crane News

Busan Port Aims for Top-notch Eco-friendly Port

To this end, BPA plans to convert 5 conventional RTGC into fully electric RTGs (E-RTGC) by the end of this year and will convert 85 more RTGC equipment. The e-RTGC conversion project is conducted by BPA and Busan Port Terminal Corp. BPA will cover the construction expenses for infrastructures at Gamman Pier 2,3,4 berth to provide electricity and BPT will pay for the equipment renovation.

U.S. Provides $9.98 Million to Strengthen Shipyard Competitiveness

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced $9.98 million in grants to 15 small shipyards throughout the United States to pay for modernizations which will increase productivity and help the country’s small shipyards compete in the global marketplace. “In cities and towns across America, shipyards are creating jobs and keeping our nation's economy growing," said Secretary LaHood. The U.S. Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) Small Shipyard Grants Program provides equipment and technical skills training for America’s maritime workforce…