Wcm News

New Oil Spill Tech Solutions Put to the Test

No two oil spill response operations are the same. Each can present new and even tougher challenges for spill responders as they detect, contain and recover spilled oil. Diverse aspects affecting oil spill response operations can be the physical environment, spill monitoring, use of chemical dispersants, and the availability of proper technology for the situation.Some challenges have been met through research and technology development of techniques for dealing with spills. However…

New Offshore Vessel Management Mobile App

Telerik says that its customer Bhagwan Marine, a leader in servicing the oil and gas industry, together with partner, Glenfield Digital Group, has released the first mobile app for offshore energy vessel management. 'LiveFleet'. Telerik explains that Bhagwan Marine wanted to be the first to leverage technology to promote its business in a bold way, setting it apart from industry-standard four-color printed brochures. The company decided to pursue a mobile app that would organize extensive vessel information and specifications, show vessel location in real-time, offer push notifications, pictures and more. Also the app would help manage Bhagwan Marine’s 700 person workforce, a critical need since 90 percent of staffers work remotely.

Proper Engine Maintenance Leads to Significant Cost Savings

Engine Maintenance trumps a tough economy. Bypass oil filtration technology is one way to get there. For the past several years, ferry service and tugboat operators have had one eye on fuel costs and the other on the economy. But worry as they might, there’s not much, if anything, that operators can do to effect change to the economy or to reduce the price of fuel. What they can do, however, is effect change to reduce their company’s operating costs and that’s where proper engine maintenance can make a significant difference.