Port logistics are more and more challenged:
More and bigger containerships than ever before are in operation. For
both ships and ports, speed, safety and cost-efficiency of container
terminals are key issues. The quality and efficiency of container
terminals are of great importance to the smooth functioning of the
global supply chain. But how to measure terminal operation performance?
In a joint cooperation the Global Institute of Logistics, Germanischer
Lloyd and further experts of the international container terminal
logistics industry have developed a new benchmark standard to assess the
effectiveness of container terminal operations.
Yesterday, the Global Institute of Logistics and Germanischer Lloyd
officially launched the Container Terminal Quality Indicator (CTQI) in a
final workshop with representatives of all industry stakeholders
involved, such as terminal operators, shippers, port authorities or
3PLs. The benchmarking system measures the terminal performance within
the supply chain process. The result offers the port industry new
dimensions: Shippers will now be able to choose terminals that suit best
to their needs and supply chain strategy.
To qualify for a CTQI audit a terminal has to implement a management
system to ensure a continual improvement process. Further key
performance indicators, internal and external factors will be evaluated
through the certification scheme. Auditors assess the terminal's
performance: They will scrutinise aspects such as the average age of
properly-dimensioned cranes and handling equipment or the efficiency of
loading and unloading seagoing vessels. The audit will include
organisational aspects, such as opening hours of the road gate,
communication and planning skills and capabilities, as well as adequate
connectivity with the hinterland and the inland waterway system.
The detailed point evaluation enables a qualified discussion between
terminal operators, shippers, cargo owners, port authorities, shipping
companies and other stakeholders. It is up to the terminals how far to
exchange these information as all certified figures and achieved
benchmarks are only disclosed in a confidential annex to the
"CTQI creates a level playing field for the certification process
through a generic blueprint that considers each terminal's unique
characteristics and modal split", explains Kieran Ring, CEO of the
Global Institute of Logistics. Wilhelm Loskot, Head of the Shipping and
Logistics Department with Germanischer Lloyd Certification, is
enthusiastic about the future of CTQI: "There had never before been such
a standard providing globally defined figures. CTQI is the simplest way
possible to achieve a common language for evaluating container terminals
on a worldwide base. This provides the benchmark for a continuous
improvement of container terminal performance worldwide."
First audits are already scheduled for March 2008.