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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Electronic Forms Software Product News

12 Feb 2013

(Sub) Chapter M Finally Surfaces

For inland operators, Compliance, Safety & Technology make for heavy river traffic as software providers descend on a rapidly approaching, potentially lucrative niche market. Is there a panacea for subchapter M? Pending USCG Subchapter “M” (SubM) regulations will eventually require towing operators to implement safety standards and use safety management systems, or alternatively, allow for an annual Coast Guard inspection regime. The new rules are expected to allow towing vessel organizations to customize their approach to meeting the requirements, while providing oversight using audits, inspections, and reviews of safety data. As many as 5,000 vessels and their operators will eventually feel the impact of the so-called subchapter M rules.

29 Nov 2012

Workboat Regulatory Compliance: Boatracs, MCI, Join Hands

Boatracs announces strategic partnership with Maritime Compliance Internationa (MCI)l to provide Subchapter M compliance solution. The two companies are collaborating in the development of a new electronic forms software product for the workboat market designed specifically for compliance management of the upcoming Coast Guard 46 CFR Subchapter "M" regulation. The new product is based on Boatracs' industry leading electronic forms platform, Boatracs BTForms. BTForms is currently in use on almost 200 vessels to simplify the process of collecting accurate vessel data for dispatch, Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE), maintenance and management.