Vessel Recovery Underway in Lahaina Harbor, Maui

State and federal responders with the US Coast Guard Western Maui Wildfire Emergency Support Function #10 Unified Command are conducting vessel recovery and removal operations as part of their efforts to restore Lahaina Harbor and surrounding waterways following the August 8 wildfire.The Unified Command and the primary contractor, Global Diving & Salvage, have begun vessel recovery and removal operations in the vicinity of Lahaina Harbor.
Preston Joins Global Diving & Salvage as Director of Marine Technology

Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. has appointed Alisa Preston, P. Eng., as Director of Marine Technology to lead the growth of the marine services company’s underwater technology resources.Preston will be responsible for advancing the development of sustainable and innovative marine technology and remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) services as part of the overall business strategies for both Seattle…
Work‘bots’: Autonomous Vessels Arrive
The near-shore and inland workboat fleet is at the leading edge for autonomous vessel developmentWhile the advent of autonomous workboats are not exactly mainstream…
Mobile BWTS Tested on Great Lakes
New system allows for contingency ballast water treatment in a variety of ecologically-sensitive and emergency conditions. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. recently…