Statoil Injury Investigation Report
Statoil has forwarded its investigation report following a crane and lifting incident on the Gullfaks A platform in the North Sea on 28 February this year. One person was injured in the incident.
In connection with a normal lifting operation from the loading deck to a supply ship, a roustabout was struck in the shoulder by a container.
The roustabout was sent to the hospital, where a broken collarbone was confirmed. The cause of the incident was that the container being lifted started to swing in a pendulum motion, striking another container which in turn struck the roustabout.
“This is a very serious incident which, under marginally altered circumstances, could have resulted in major personal injuries or, at worst, death. Management is always responsible for ensuring the safety on board our installations. This incident was a result of unfortunate circumstances, and we will learn from it. We are happy to report that the person involved is now back at work, without permanent injuries,” says Jannicke Nilsson, director of division for Operations North Sea West.
The incident illustrates the importance of reviewing work procedures in advance, even though this was an ordinary, routine lift with experienced operators. Nevertheless, Statoil will take a closer look at the routines on board, particularly with a view towards using two roustabouts in tight areas on the loading deck.
The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has also investigated the incident.
“We have read the report and see that it largely concurs with our report. The PSA has uncovered four factors that require specific answers – factors that are largely addressed in our own report. We will submit a thorough response to the PSA,” says Nilsson.
The Rogaland Police considered investigating the incident, but concluded their process after carrying out technical investigations and interviews on board.