Marine Link
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Byron Dawe News

03 Aug 2000

Welcome The Little Black Box

There is a groundswell of commitment for mandating the installation of "black boxes" aboard ships, so that in the in the unlikely case of a disaster, history will not repeat itself. At an estimated cost of $75,000 to $150,000 per ship, however, safety will not come cheaply. If it has not already, in a few years time the name Erika will conjure many of the same emotions and financial achings as the name Valdez. The tanker that broke up and sank off the coast of France just prior to Christmas 1999 has resulted in a veritable groundswell of political and industry activity which will likely result in fundamental changes to the way in which ships — particularly those carrying oil products or hazardous materials — are outfitted and operated.

15 Nov 2007

Rutter Technologies Receives Second Order for RADAR-100S6 System

Since opening to deeper draft vessels in 1959, more than two billion tonnes of cargo estimated at $300b has moved along the St. Lawrence. The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation continuously evaluates new technology in its quest to build upon its systems for the safe, reliable movement of vessels. Earlier this year, Rutter Technologies was successful in winning an order for a bridge-mounted radar system to track vessel traffic approaching that bridge. The requirement had some unique technical challenges, including the ability to be remotely monitored and controlled from the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation's control centre some 60 kilometers away.

04 Dec 2002

Rutter Receives Wheelmark for VDR

Rutter Technologies Inc. has received authority to affix the Mark of Conformity (wheelmark) that is granted by the EU to its voyage data recorders (VDRs). The wheelmark signifies that the Rutter VDR-100 is compliant with the EU Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment, also known as the Marine Equipment Directive (MED). Now that the first date for mandatory carriage has passed (July 1st, 2002), the VDR has moved from Annex 2 to Annex 1 of the MED and the wheelmark will be required to sell VDRs. The Rutter VDR-100 is the first voyage data recorder in the world to receive this distinction. The wheelmark was granted on the basis of…