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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Streamline SIRE 2.0 Transition with ABS Wavesight™ Nautical Systems

Posted to Maritime Reporter (by on March 24, 2024

As the maritime industry transitions to the updated SIRE 2.0 inspection regime from the familiar SIRE VIQ7 framework, operators are bracing themselves for a period of adjustment. With change comes challenges, and the shift to SIRE 2.0 is no exception. However, ABS Wavesight™ Nautical Systems (NS) offers an innovative solution to streamline and ease the process: the NS HSQE and Vetting Manager.

Tailored with the distinct needs of SIRE 2.0 in mind, NS HSQE and Vetting Manager stands as a beacon of support for operators navigating the parameters of this new risk-based inspection protocol. Within the comprehensive fleet management software of Nautical Systems, this module provides an array of features engineered to streamline compliance.

These new functionalities empower operators with new pre-inspection tools, facilitating inspector desktop reviews through intuitive data capture and streamlined reporting to expedite the inspection workflow. Furthermore, NS HSQE and Vetting Manager also features new advanced and customizable risk assessment capabilities, aligning with the risk-based inspection approach central to SIRE 2.0.

Yet, the benefits of NS HSQE and Vetting Manager extend beyond compliance management. Seamlessly integrated within the broader Nautical Systems platform, this module harmonizes with other essential modules such as NS Voyage Manager, NS Document Manager, NS Crew and Payroll Manager, and more. This interoperability ensures the fluid exchange of critical safety and operational documentation, promoting collaboration and efficiency throughout the organization.

In essence, Nautical Systems represents more than just a software solution; it embodies a commitment to excellence in maritime operations. By embracing the capabilities of Nautical Systems, operators can navigate the turbulent waters of regulatory change with confidence, secure in the knowledge that their compliance management processes are optimized, streamlined, and future-proofed.

To learn more about Nautical Systems, schedule a demo or consult with a Nautical Systems expert today.