08 Jul 2015
Maritime Security Experts Meet in Cleveland
For maritime security experts, there were many lessons learned after the 2011 Republican National Convention in Tampa. That’s why those experts are meeting now in Cleveland, the site of the 2016 RNC to learn from the professionals who planned and executed the maritime safety and security efforts for the Tampa event. The Republican and Democratic conventions are considered national special security events (NSSE)…
22 Jun 2015
Driving Innovation: the Unmanned FLNG
DNV GL developed a new unmanned floating LNG concept that it claims overcomes many of the challenges faced by operators looking to unlock the potential of remote offshore gas fields. Called Solitude, DNV GL said the concept demonstrates how technological advances can be combined into a solution that offers an estimated 20% reduction in annual OPEX, only adding a few percent increase in CAPEX and at the same time increasing overall safety.
01 Jun 2015
BAE Systems Investing in San Diego
A discussion with Bob Koerber, General Manager, BAE Systems Ship Repair, San Diego, Calif. Bob Koerber, general manager of BAE Systems Ship Repair in San Diego, served on active duty as a surface warfare officer from 1981 to 1987, then continued to serve as a Navy Reservist, retiring as a captain in 2007. His last reserve assignment was as the Deputy Commander of Naval Special Warfare Command. As a SWO he served aboard USS Hull (DD 945?) and USS Brooke (FFG 1).
29 Apr 2015
Unmanned Systems Work Together from Single Controller
A flight demonstration using a hand-held tablet has shown how unmanned air and ground vehicles can be supervised together by a single operator, and how big and small businesses can work together. The demonstration was conducted on March 26, 2014, at Kaman Aerospace in Bloomfield, Conn., involving a Kaman K-MAX helicopter equipped with Lockheed Martin’s mission management system operating in the unmanned mode, and a Neya Systems UxInterceptor unmanned all-terrain vehicle.
08 Apr 2015
Oil Under Ice
The U.S. How did an urgent requirement to build a road to Alaska end up helping to design submarines and to recover oil spills in the Arctic ice? The Army Corps of Engineers was faced with a monumental challenge of building a highway to connect the “lower 48” to Alaska during World War II to keep America’s northernmost territory secure from invasion. The road crossed hundreds of miles of wilderness, and much of the roadbed sat up permafrost, presenting challenges to America’s roadbuilders.
08 Apr 2015
USCG Makes Headway in Challenging Waters
Day after day, the U.S. Coast Guard continues to conduct its 11 statutory missions with its limited resources. It is challenged to Invest in long-term operational capacity while continuing to carry out its daily missions. “We’re a small service, but as always, we do punch above our weight class,” said Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft during the 2015 Surface Navy Association symposium in Arlington, Virginia.
07 Apr 2015
Naval Experts, Students to Examine Littoral Challenge
The 2nd Annual Wargame Planning Session is being conducted by the Naval Postgraduate School’s (NPS) Littoral Operations Center (LOC) in Monterey, Calif., on April 23, 2015; followed by a Surface Warfare - Littoral Combat Innovation Workshop on April 25, 2015. “The purpose of our wargame planning session is to share the expertise of defense leaders, tactical and technical experts and security analysts to increase the resolution of wargame scenarios set in the littorals.
12 Mar 2015
Maritime Security Experts Meet in Jacksonville
Maritime security experts are gathering this week at Maritime Security 2015 East in Jacksonville, Florida, to exchange information and ideas, as well as learn about and see emerging technologies and operational concepts in action. Presentations were made by speakers from the Navy and Coast Guard, along with state, city and local organizations with maritime security and law enforcement responsibilities. The event is taking place at the Jacksonville JAXPORT Cruise Terminal.
13 Jan 2015
Cold and Calculating: Dealing with Ice in Domestic Waterways
Army research laboratory helps vessels deal with ice in domestic waterways. Ice, snow and extremely low temperatures can put a big chill on maritime operations in ports, lakes, rivers and waterways. Thanks to the U.S. Army’s Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, New Hampshire, mariners have a better understanding regarding phenomena such as icing on superstructures, brash ice and propulsion systems and controlling ice dams.
30 Oct 2014
Partnerships Key to Caribbean Maritime Security
Maritime security and safety experts are meeting in Nassau, Bahamas, this week to examine mutual threats and solutions and challenges and opportunities in the region. Maritime Security Caribbean 2014 is being held at the Melia Nassau Beach hotel, attended by representatives of government and industry. In addition to security threats from criminals or terrorists, there is a heightened awareness today of the environmental threats posed by norovirus and ebola and other communicable health problems.
29 Sep 2014
VADM Hilarides Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
Vice Adm. William Hilarides, the commander of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), recently spoke to a small group of reporters about his vision for NAVSEA and the challenges and opportunities he faces. A decline in the number of skilled Sailors able to conduct repairs onboard their ships; an aging civilian workforce; balancing capability with affordability and achieving commonality are priority issues for Hilarides and his staff.
09 Sep 2014
Need a Lift?
Not every ship repair facility has a drydock or marine railway. But thanks to a Sturgeon Bay, Wis.-based company, shipbuilders and repair yards from small to large can get a real lift. Marine Travelift builds boat hoists, self-propelled transporters, and marine forklifts, with more than 3,500 units delivered worldwide, and can be found at waterfronts all around the world. “Our boat hoists range from 15 ton all the way up to 1,000 ton capacity,” said Jason Johnson, North American sales manager.
08 Sep 2014
BAE Systems Ship Repair: Leveraging Location, Infrastructure & Workforce
BAE Systems launches the first of four platform supply vessels it’s building for Jackson Offshore Operators, LLC., January 29, 2014. The vessels, being built in Jacksonville, Fla., will support drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico and reflects the company’s continued growth in U.S. commercial shipbuilding and its support to the offshore oil and gas industry. BAE Systems Ship Repair is one of the many entities that make up BAE Systems U.S. subsidiary.
20 Aug 2014
Maritime Security West Conference Underway in Tacoma
The 2014 Maritime Security West conference is underway in Tacoma, Washington. The preconference day included tours of the Port of Tacoma, the City of Tacoma’s Marine Security Operations Center and the opportunity to view and ride a large number of tactical craft belonging to local police, sheriff fire and rescue departments at the Foss Waterway Seaport moorage. King County Sheriff’s Department gave a flying demonstration of the airborne tactical extraction platform (AirTEP).
05 Aug 2014
SNA West Coast Symposium 2014
The Surface Navy Association will hold its annual West Coast Symposium at Naval Station San Diego on August 21. The event will be held on the waterfront at Pier 2. Deputy Commander, U.S.
19 Jun 2014
US Navy Build Programs Face Budget Pressure
Ship construction programs move ahead, but it’s not smooth sailing. Navies and Coast Guards everywhere face budgetary pressure, even in the U.S. which has the largest Navy in the world. The balance between desire for capacity and capability and pressure for affordability has never been more acute with the precarious budgetary issues presented by declining defense budgets, sequestration, continuing resolutions and government shutdowns.
04 Jun 2014
Navy Gathers Tech Innovators to Share Ideas, Find Partners
The 2014 Navy Opportunity Forum paired small businesses and researchers with potential partners, funding sources, acquisition professionals and resource sponsors. Companies—small businesses in particular— were able to present their new materials, processes and manufacturing techniques to prime contractors and Navy and Marine Corps program managers. The focus of the event was the Department of the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
03 Jun 2014
US Military Program Targets Transitioning Technologies
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) on May 28, 2014 seeking proposals under the Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) program to…
23 Apr 2014
CNR: Innovation Maintains US Naval Advantages
An interview with Rear Adm. Matt Klunder, U.S. What are your near term, mid-term and long term science and technology (S&T) objectives? It’s critical that our Sailors and Marines never go into a conflict as a fair fight. Whether it’s a near-term threat we’re trying to address, or a long-term leap-ahead technology, we need to make sure that we’re investing in cutting edge technologies that are going to give our Sailors or Marines that decisive technological advantage.
22 Apr 2014
Arctic Energy Exploration Efforts Heat Up
Oil and gas—and also mining—are the drivers today propelling Arctic maritime operations and the construction of new vessels able to operate in extreme latitudes. While the gas and oil resources can be recovered in the Arctic or far north and shipped to markets by sea or pipeline, the cost of doing must be balanced upon the global market price for those commodities. Ships and marine structures able…