26 Mar 2014
Sweden Shares Littoral Knowledge
Swedish Navy working with U.S. Naval experts are meeting in Monterey, California, this week to discuss something the Swedish armed forces know quite well: naval operations in the littoral or near coastal waters are very complex. Littoral warfare is very different from open ocean operations. The U.S. Navy is looking to the experience and expertise of the Swedish navy to operate, fight and prevail in this environment.
19 Mar 2014
Caribbean Security Challenges
The Caribbean is a complex maritime environment, with multiple countries and territories, significant seaborne commerce and a wide variety of threats to safety, security, stability, the environment and sovereignty. A diverse group of stakeholders gathered in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) to discuss those challenges and reaffirm their commitment to address them. A major theme throughout…
19 Mar 2014
Ghana Navy Conference Examines Security in the Gulf of Guinea
The Navy of Ghana has invited industry experts and military and law enforcement leaders to Accra for the Coastal and Maritime Surveillance Africa 2014 conference.
18 Mar 2014
USCG: The Fleet Faces Forward
The numerous cutters and craft of the U.S. Coast Guard —from the sail training ship Eagle to the large oceangoing patrol ships; from polar icebrakers to small utility boats — form a formidable fleet to meet the many challenging assignments undertaken by the service. In 2014 the Coast Guard continues its recapitalization program with its National Security Cutter (NSC), Fast Response Cutter (FPC) and Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC).
14 Mar 2014
NPS Littoral Operations Center to Focus on Global Littorals
What does it take to win in the littoral? Start with knowledge. Naval warfare in littoral waters is very different from open ocean operations. The U.S. Navy is dominant in “blue water” scenarios, but less so in the littoral, naval experts say. “We are good at blue water operations, but we are not that skilled in fighting and operating in the littoral waters in places like the South China, the Baltic and Black Seas as well as the Persian Gulf,” said Prof. Wayne Hughes, a retired U.S.
12 Mar 2014
Maritime Security East 2014 Underway in Boston
Maritime security and law enforcement experts are gathering in Boston this week to better understand maritime domain awareness and the challenges of port, waterway and coastal security, environmental protection, safety and law enforcement. One big lesson learned is that everything is just a little more challenging on the water. A number of law enforcement agencies from the New England area are attending…
28 Jan 2014
International Data Farming Workshop Underway in Finland
The 27th International “What if?” Workshop has brought data farming experts together at the National Defence University in Helsinki, Finland. Data farming is a way to conduct operational analysis through modeling and simulation, high performance computing to build scenarios, and then explore new options for decision makers. The methodology permits planners and decision makers to ask the “what if?” questions to determine the probabilities of various outcomes.
09 Jan 2014
Middle East Maritime Security: Cooperation is the Key Vital
Vice Adm. John Miller, U.S. Navy, commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), U.S. 5th Fleet, Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) , spoke to delegates attending the IQPC Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Middle East 2013 conference just after participating in the 8th International Institute For Strategic Studies (IISS) Manama Dialogue to discuss the development and implementation of regional security…
24 Dec 2013
The Navy’s Battlewagon of the 21st Century
It is the newest and most transformational warship ever built, and yet it has also had the longest gestation period. Whether you call it new or old, you have to call it different. The pedigree for DDG 1000 is not from the Spruance or Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers, but rather it comes from the SC-21 (Surface Combatant for the 21st century) concept from 1994. Like DDG 1000, SC-21 was not about anti-air warfare. It was all about strike.
24 Dec 2013
ZUMWALT: Maritime Reporter's 'Great Ship' of 2013
It is the newest and most transformational warship ever built, and yet it has also had the longest gestation period. Whether you call it new or old, you have to call it different. The pedigree for DDG 1000 is not from the Spruance or Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers, but rather it comes from the SC-21 (Surface Combatant for the 21st century) concept from 1994. Like DDG 1000, SC-21 was not about anti-air warfare. It was all about strike.
18 Dec 2013
Apprenticeship Training & Academic Degree: The Pathway to Success
Edward Lundquist talks to welder and apprentice instructor Ashley Wilber at BAE Systems Ship Repair’s Norfolk shipyard. Tell me how you came to be a welder here at BAE Systems Ship Repair. I have been here at BAE Systems going on seven years now. I was just doing odd jobs out of high school – Hardee’s, driving jobs like delivering pizzas – anything that was making money. I have a cousin, who at the time was an electrician apprentice, and he was telling me about the shipyard.
18 Dec 2013
“No one likes piracy.”
Attendees at the IQPC Offshore Patrol Vessels Middle East 2013 conference, which concluded on Dec. 11, agreed that that the safety and security of maritime commerce in the Arabian Gulf, Res Sea and their approaches, is an international responsibility shared by regional and international partners. The conference was chaired by Rear Admiral (R) Ahmed Al Sabab Al Teneiji, former chief of naval forces for the UAE Navy.
11 Dec 2013
Delegates Call for Maritime Security Cooperation
Attendees at the IQPC Offshore Patrol Vessels Middle East 2013 conference agree that what happens at sea in the Arabian Gulf and the Middle East has implications that ripple, or more correctly rumble throughout the globe. Speakers and panelists underscored the importance of maritime domain awareness and security for military, commercial, legal and environmental reasons, and how they are all connected.
09 Dec 2013
Maritime Security Conference Underway in Abu Dhabi
As policy leaders wrapped up the Manama Dialog, an international security conference in Bahrain, maritime and naval leaders commenced their meetings in Abu Dhabi to discuss practical implementation of those policies and improving abilities of nations and partners to meet growing challenges to maritime security, safety and sovereignty. The IQPC Offshore Patrol Vessel conference at the Jumeirah at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi is being attended by naval…
21 Jun 2013
Contamination Controlled
Rear Admiral Mark “Buz” Buzby, commander of the Military Sealift Command, sat with Maritime Reporter contributing editor Edward Lundquist talked with a week before his retirement aboard USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) at Little Creek, Virginia, on May 10, 2013. The talk centered on a unique event in maritime history. MSC had seven ships in the area east of Japan, responding to the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that killed 19,000 people.
02 Jan 2013
Wrap Yourself in History
One of the most famous sea battles in U.S. naval history took place in September 1813, not upon the sea, but on the waters of Lake Erie, between what is now Ohio and Ontario, Canada. In the War of 1812 against Great Britain, the Battle of Lake Erie was a crucial and decisive victory for America and itsNavy, and the flotilla led by 27-year old Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. That battle was recently commemorated with events on Lake Erie. And next year—the 200th anniversary—will be even bigger.
21 Dec 2012
Pirate Alley
Even with a multi-national flotilla of warships, armed security guards on merchant ships, and phalanxes of lawyers making policy and negotiating ransoms, seemingly unsophisticated Somalis and their small, simple skiffs still attack ships on the high seas and hold seafarers, ships and cargos for ever-growing sums of money. Rear Adm. Terry McKnight, a retired naval officer, had a front row seat in the effort to deter and defend against piracy on the high seas.
06 Dec 2012
Participants at workshop make multiple radar contacts
Naval radar experts met in San Diego to share their expertise and experiences with the operation and support of the Saab Sea Giraffe naval surveillance radar. The workshop enabled the participants to make contacts and develop working relationships with other naval experts involved with the operation and support of the Swedish-made system, and create a clearer picture of the current state of the radar and its development.
06 Dec 2012
A Boxed Set In Denmark Mine Warfare Capability Comes as a Boxed Set
The Danish Navy is the expert when it comes to flexible, modular combat capability. It created the StandardFlex modules for the Flyvefisken class of patrol vessels in 1995 that was built specifically to operate with the containerized modules. But Denmark is no longer facing a Cold War threat to its waters. Instead, it is assuming a broader role involved in international partnerships and coalitions. The Flyvefisken-class has been retired.
15 Nov 2012
First Nuclear-Powered Carrier Completes Last Deployment
“Nearly everything that can be said about this ship must be done in superlatives or in terms of the first, the largest, the fastest, greatest striking capability and highest operational flexibility.” - Secretary of the Navy John Connally, USS Enterprise commissioning ceremony, Nov. The USS Enterprise (CVN 65) is used to being first, biggest, fastest, and best. Now she can add “last” to her impressive list of accomplishments…