Discovery of Gas Accumulation at Espírito Santo Basin
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras announces the discovery of new gas accumulation at Espírito Santo Basin post-salt. The discovery took place during drilling of well 3-BRSA-1259-ESS (ANP nomenclature) / 3-ESS-222 (Petrobras nomenclature), informally known as Tanganika, at a water depth of 1,043 meters, located in the Malombe Discovery Evaluation Plan (PAD), 72 km off the coast of the Espírito Santo state.
The discovery was confirmed through logging carried out in reservoirs located at depth of around 2,880 meters. The well has reached the total depth of 2,996 meters.
The consortium operated by Petrobras (89.89%) in partnership with Repsol Sinopec (11.11%) will proceed with the operations planned, in order to better evaluate the discovery, through a formation test.