The Maritime Administrations announced it has released its annual Compilation of Maritime Laws for fiscal year 2007. Each year since 1995, the Maritime Administration has published the laws as an essential reference for its Agency leadership and staff. The compilation is also widely used by the Members of Congress, their staffs and committees, attorneys practicing in the area of Federal Maritime Law and interested members of the general public.
The Maritime Administration believes that it is essential that this publication be made available to ensure access to the current state of significant maritime laws, including current statutory amendments. This publication has been changed considerably from earlier editions to reflect the codification of Title 46 Appendix, United States Code, in Public Law 109-304. An Index giving the old and new citations for various provisions of law has been included at the end to help the reader find new section numbers.
The volume is current through the second session of the 109th Congress. While this compilation is a helpful research tool, citation to the law should be made by reference to the United States Code or other official reporters.