In a mutually beneficial strategic alliance, satcom provider Xantic has announced the signing of an agreement with GMPCS Communications Inc. for the delivery of various enhanced services in the United States and beyond.
Under the terms of the new agreement, GMPCS will play a leading role in hosting Xantic’s Regional BGAN service in North America. GMPCS will deliver this service to companies and organisations with an international network, especially those working in the Middle East and North Africa. This move also represents a strategic step towards the future, when the BGAN service will become available.
In a further development, this month will see GMPCS start delivery of its own messaging service called GMPCS Speed Mail. The high-speed service will be powered by Xantic’s advanced AMOS software technology. It works with Globalstar, Iridium and Inmarsat services, and is targeted for use by the handheld and yachting segments.