Governor Sonny Perdue announced awarding $1.695 million in Port Security Grants to the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA).
"I want to thank President Bush, Secretary Ridge, and our excellent delegation in Washington for these
homeland security funds that will help protect Georgia's coast from acts of terrorism and provide further
security enhancements for our ports," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "We must continue to work with our
leadership in Washington to ensure that the citizens of Georgia are protected from all forms of terrorism."
More than eighty percent of the funding, or $1.4 million, will provide funding for an Access Control Security
Management System at the Ports of Savannah and Brunswick. This program will enable the GPA to make the best use of its physical and operational security resources, focusing on credentialing, intrusion
detection, and video surveillance. The funds are part of a $179,025,900 program being made available
from the federal FY04 budget from the Transportation Security Administration, an agency of the
Department of Homeland Security. The program is designed to improve dockside and perimeter security
which is vital to securing our critical national seaports.
Funding for Georgia includes:
· $1,395,000 for Access Control Security Management in Savannah and Brunswick
· $67,500 for Handheld Explosive Detection Devices in Savannah and Brunswick
· $103,000 for Security Surveillance Cameras, Brunswick
· $129,500 for Pedestrian Access Control, Savannah