HK Shipping Industry Needs Direction Say Group
A group of shipping sector directors urge the future direction of HK's maritime industry to be set out and implemented by the government.
A blueprint setting out the future direction of Hong Kong's maritime industry should be prepared and the government should then commit to implementing the plan if Hong Kong is to stave-off competition from other regional shipping sectors, says a group of shipping directors, as reported by the South China Morning Post. At present the Hong Kong shipping register is the world's fourth-largest.
The proposal, which includes signing more double tax agreements with potential trading partners, tax incentives for companies planning to incorporate in Hong Kong, and subsidised training, was made by the directors of the Young Professionals in Shipping Network (YPSN).
The reports due to be released include a study on ways to develop Hong Kong as an international maritime centre being carried out by consultant BMT Asia Pacific. The firm is conducting two other studies - a Hong Kong 2030 port master plan, and Hong Kong's role as a regional distribution centre.
Source: South China Morning Post