Marine Link
Friday, September 20, 2024

Edward Rendell News

27 Sep 2007

Philadelphia Maritime Interests File Lawsuit

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has granted a request for an expedited hearing requested by major maritime interests in the Delaware River area in a lawsuit questioning the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority. The hearing, scheduled presently for October 3, 2007, is based on a complaint filed by the International Longshoremen's Association District Council of Philadelphia and Wilmington (DE), the Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (PMTA) and the Maritime Stakeholders Group (MSG). The three organizations, which collectively represent more than 300 maritime-related entities, claim that the PRPA is overstepping its jurisdiction by preparing to convey maritime land to a non-maritime related use.

08 Aug 2007

Delaware River Dredging Project Confirmed

A development at the Port of Philadelphia moved closer with the appearance of United States Senator Arlen Specter confirming the government's commitment to fund the 45-ft. Delaware River dredging project. Absent from the event but ever-present in spirit was Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell, a major supporter of the $300 million dredging, who was able to convince New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine to support the effort as well. The channel's current depth of 40 ft. has been the same since 1941. The channel's new depth will reach 45 ft. With $66 million already secured, Specter confirmed that the project could begin, as the balance needed from the federal government will be forthcoming. The state of Pennsylvania will fund about $170m.